How to Apply
Ontario HVACR First Year Apprenticeship Intake Program
Steps to apply. Easy as 1 – 2 – 3

Ensure you have all minimum requirements to apply.
Log in and complete your application during either the Winter Intake (December 1 – February 28) or the Summer Intake (May 1 – June 30).
Make your $75 + HST Application Fee Payment
*You may only complete an application during the open intake periods as stated above, applications will not be reviewed unless the application fee payment has been made.
**Current UA Local 787 members who have been paying dues for at least the past 12 months are exempt from paying the fees. Uploaded membership card is required.

Your application will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator and you will be informed via email whether or not your application has been verified.
Once your application has been verified, you will be scheduled to complete TWO online tests; Math & Science and Mechanical Aptitude.
Your test scores will be reviewed in conjunction with your application score, to determine whether you will move to step 3, the interview.
A $275 + HST Testing Fee Applies
**Current UA Local 787 members who have been paying dues for at least the past 12 months are exempt from paying the fees. Uploaded membership card is required.

Should you pass the testing stage, a UA787 contractor volunteer will interview you.
Your interview score will then be combined with your test & application score.
The apprentice intake committee will select candidates for the ORAC Ready-to-Hire list based on contractor demand and candidate scores.
You will be notified by email whether or not you successfully make it onto the ORAC Ready-to-Hire list.

The purpose of the ORAC First Year Apprentice Intake program, is to find the “best and the brightest” apprentice candidates for the UA Local 787 Contractors. This is to ensure that the first-year apprentices who are hired by unionized contractors will have a high chance at successfully completing the full term of their apprenticeship, schooling and on-site.
As government by the UA787 Collective Agreement, all unionized contractor companies MUST use the ORAC Ready-to-Hire list to hire a first-year apprentice.
The Apprentice Intake Committee accepts applications on this site annually during the Winter Intake (December 1 until February 28) and during the Summer Intake (May 1 until June 30).
Candidates receive a cumulative score for based on their Application, Math & Science test, and Mechanical Aptitude test. Once testing is complete, applicants may be selected for an interview based on their scoring. The interview score then gets added to the cumulative score.
The Apprentice Intake Committee then reviews the current contractor demand for first year apprentices and selects candidates for the ORAC Ready-to-Hire list based on overall scoring.
You must be accepted to this program in order to be hired and work as a first year apprentice for a unionized HVACR contractor in Ontario. Once accepted and hired by a unionized contractor, candidates then become registered with the UA Local 787. This program is NOT for those already registered as 313 (A or D) apprentices.
*The ORAC Apprentice Intake Program DOES NOT guarantee you a job, and we do not find the job for you. Once you make it onto the ORAC Ready to Hire list, you must do your own due dilligence and reach out to companies to look for employment to increase your chances of being hired.
Please note that all formal communication regarding your application is sent via email. Due to privacy concerns, we can only discuss the details of your application with you.
Please contact us if you require more information.
Prior to applying, all applicants are required to successfully complete all mandatory minimum requirements (or pre-approved equivalencies, please click here for more information).
In order for your application to be verified, proof of successful completion of all mandatory minimum requirements is required; YOU MUST upload your high school and college transcripts, official foreign course assessments, college course equivalency letter(s), certificates, and licenses to your application in order to be considered. Applications that do not have uploaded supporting documents for all requirements will not be considered. The following mandatory minimum requirements must be successfully obtained prior to completing your application:
Minimum Grade 12 Secondary School Graduation Diploma as established by the Ontario Ministry of Education (or equivalent for those educated outside Canada), including;
- Grade 12 English (ENG4C, ENG4U, ENG4E, ENG4G, ENG4A, ENGOA),
- Grade 12 Math (MCT4C, MAP4C, MGA4U, MDM4U, MCV4U, MHF4U, MTT4G, MAT4A, MEL4E)
- Grade 11 or 12 Physics (SPH3U, SPH4C, SPH4U, SPH4G, SPH4A, SPHOA), OR
- Grade 11 or 12 Chemistry (SCA3G, SCH3A, SCH3U, SCH4U, SCH4C, SCHOA).
If you have all the educational requirements but the course codes on your high school transcript are not listed above, click ‘Contact us’ above for verification. Inquiries will be responded to within 1 to 2 business days by clicking on ‘Contact us’ above. Neither ORAC nor the UA Local 787 can respond to telephone inquiries.
Many Ontario HVACR college programs now offer equivalency letters to their graduates for the above course work already covered in HVACR programs. Request letters of equivalency from your HVACR professors or program coordinators, and make sure you upload the letter (and all other documents) to your application.
All applicants must have a valid Ontario unrestricted class “G” driver’s licence and be willing to produce a driving abstract from the Ministry of Transportation, if requested. If you do not yet have the “G” licence, you must obtain it to be accepted into this program.

The highest scoring applicants will be selected and contacted by email to be tested by March 31 (Winter Intake) or July 31 (Summer Intake). Testing and interview dates cannot be rescheduled.
Once testing is completed, the Apprentice Intake Committee will review both the application and test scores. Only those with the top application and test scores combined, will be contacted by email to be interviewed. Upon a full evaluation of the top combined application, test results, interview results and grand total scores by the Committee, the overall highest scoring applicants will be accepted to the First Year Apprenticeship Program as candidates and will be placed on the ‘Ready-to-Hire’ list. This list is accessible all year long by ORAC unionized contractor members on the website and by UA Local 787 member contractors by request through the above ‘Contact us’ section.
Governed by the current Collective Agreements, all potential first year apprentices must first apply during one of the annual intake periods and be accepted to this program and approved by the Apprentice Intake Committee, in order to be hired as a first year apprentice by any signatory UA Local 787 contractor. Candidates on the list will be contacted directly for interviews by the contractors and if selected, must be hired as first year apprentices as per the hiring date noted on their offer letters. Hiring processes as outlined by ORAC and the UA Local 787 must be followed.
Candidates remain on the list for a maximum of two years. After two years, they can request to extend their time on the ‘Available for hire’ list for a period of one year. After two years or after the requested one year extension, candidates must reapply to the program. There is a $50 + HST fee for a one year extension on the ‘Ready-to-Hire list. Please go to the “Contact Us” page to request more information.
This process is designed to ensure applicants meet the requirements of the HVACR trade and to provide contractors with a list of highly qualified first year apprentices, available all year long. All applicants must first apply and be accepted to this intake process prior to beginning any employment as a first year apprentice with all ORAC & UA Local 787 member contractors. Please note that completing this process does not guarantee acceptance into the First Year Apprenticeship Program, employment or an apprenticeship. Any false statement made on this application is sufficient grounds for rejection of the application.
There is an Application Fee of $75 + HST fee to apply plus should your application be verified, there will be an additional testing administration fee of $275.00 + HST that must be paid prior to testing.
Therefore the total cost of this program comes to $350 + HST
All fees are non-refundable.
** Current UA Local 787 members who supply uploaded proof (membership card) indicating they have been paying dues for at least one year, are exempt from paying the fees.